Historical reference, Royal St, New Orleans

Front and rear elevations with new addition, Royal St, New Orleans

Kitchen elevations, Royal St, New Orleans

Kitchen sketch, Royal St, New Orleans

Kitchen detail, Royal St, New Orleans

Kitchen dining nook, Royal St, New Orleans

kitchen layout, Royal St, New Orleans

Master bath - shower, Royal St, New Orleans

Master bath, Royal St, New Orleans

Dining Room, Royal St, New Orleans

Guest bath - shower, Royal St, New Orleans

Office, Royal St, New Orleans

Back porch, Royal St, New Orleans

Front elevation - paint spec, Poland Ave, New Orleans

Dining room, Poland Ave, New Orleans

Dining room, Poland Ave, New Orleans

Living room, Poland Ave, New Orleans

Library, Poland Ave, New Orleans

Kitchen, Poland Ave, New Orleans

Bathroom detail, Poland Ave, New Orleans

Construction, Poland Ave, New Orleans

Kitchen rendering, Orient Ave, New York

Kitchen elevations, Orient Ave, New York

Kitchen layout, Orient Ave, New York

Kitchen detail, Orient Ave, New York

Dining area, Orient Ave, New York

Kichen detail, Orient Ave, New York

Bathroom, Orient Ave, New York

A description of image 2, Orient Ave, New York

Kitchen sketch, Orient Ave, New York

Kitchen rendering, Orient Ave, New York

Kitchen elevations, Orient Ave, New York

Kitchen layout, Orient Ave, New York

Dining area, Orient Ave, New York

Kitchen layout, Orient Ave, New York

Kitchen layout - furnished, Orient Ave, New York

Dining area - furnished, Orient Ave, New York